
Learn Logosynthesis Online
Logosynthesis is an elegant new change process with surprising results, an innovative and comprehensive system for guided change that supports healing at the deepest level of our existence. It is effective and easily applied within the fields of counselling, psychotherapy and coaching. It can also be used as a self-help tool.
Logosynthesis allows for the recognition and systematic resolution of self-limiting patterns and enables reconnection to one’s Essence, one’s True Self.
Logosynthesis uniquely combines concepts from energy psychology and psychotherapy with the ageless wisdom of healing through the intentional use of words. The model is continuously developed since 2005, by Dutch-Swiss psychologist Dr. Willem Lammers.
Logosynthesis can offer relief for many forms of suffering. Emotions such as fear, grief, guilt and shame can be resolved as well as disturbing memories, limiting thoughts, beliefs and fantasies, bad habits and physical symptoms.
Imagine being able to help clients rapidly:
• Change lifelong thinking patterns that limit growth;
• Learn to calm anxiety and upsets;
• Resolve distressing memories without the risk of re-traumatization;
• Remove the blocks that interfere with accomplishing goals;
• Become less reactive to difficult situations.
Who Can Participate?
This training is open to professionals working in the fields of
counselling, coaching, psychotherapy, psychiatry, education
and the ministry. They want to learn a new, elegant and effective model for guided change.
We're pleased to welcome participants from different continents. That means that you not only have a great opportunity
to learn, you can also make new friends from many countries!

Seminar Content
This online seminar introduces the theory, the model and the method in an experiential format with vivid participation of the attendees. The material will be presented through live demonstrations, discussions and experiential exercises in practice groups.
At the end of each seminar, you will be able to apply this state-of-the-art method of guided change, to yourself and to your clients within the context of your professional practice and theoretical framework. For those who want to continue Logosynthesis training, an additional sequence will be offered to fulfill the criteria of the official Logosynthesis Basic Seminar. Once the basic Seminar is completed you can move on to the Practitioner Seminars.
Logosynthesis Practitioner Seminars
In these advanced seminars, you learn to understand and to
apply Logosynthesis on a deeper level, focused on key issues
from your clients' lives. These issues are visualized in the
graphic to the left, the Logosynthesis Octagon:
• The Path of Trust helps you to understand attachment and
loss, building and resolving relationships.
• The Path of the Will describes patterns in managing your
mission in life, in success and failure.
• The Path of Courage determines coping with traumatic
events and their sequelae in the past, the present and the
Meet Your Trainer!

Dates and Times
Please see the courses tab for individual course dates.
Toronto /New York 10:00am-12:00PM (CET)(EST): UTC -4hrs;
Paris, Zurich 04:00PM-6:00PM (CET): UTC +2
London 03:00PM-5:00PM (GMT): UTC
Capetown 4:00PM -6:00PM: UTC+2

Registration and Costs
The fee for these 10 hours of training over five seminars is €300, to be paid in advance through Stripe. The currency will be converted to the currency of your country's origin on your respective credit card (ie., USD/CAD). All nationalities are welcome!
Participants who are repeating the course, who are students or living in developing countries can apply for a discount of €100.
If you have attended a Logosynthesis Training already, or if your resources are limited, you might qualify for a discount of €100 on personal request. You can also apply for this discount if you have attended a Logosynthesis Basic before and want to hone your skills.